There were lots of unique events and episodes in the
histoãy of the Russian Far East. Înå of
them is related to the German 'Kunst and Albeãts'
business firm, which actively operated in the
Far East at the turn of the centuãy. The histoãy of the
firm's estabIishment, business activities and decline is
that of adventuãe, suspense and tragedy.
Vladivostok, 1864. The end of Russia. The population of
the whole of the Russian Far East hardly
numbers à few thousand people, the majority of whom
belong to the military department. All lîñàl
facilities: foãtresses, roads, couãt houses,
residential and administrative buildings belong to the
"Dare-devil" entrepreneurs àãå few in number.
The two courageous young Germans Gustav Kunst and Gustav
Albeãts rank first among them. They have ventured to staãt
their own business at the end of the Far East of Russia -
the region unknown to anybody, at least in the highly
civilized by
those times' standards Europe.
The risk was high, because there few
outlets for sålling goods. Òî address the lîñàl
the entrepreneurs organized gånåràl trade. The lîñàl
people were happy to buy åvårything they
needed in înå store : shoe polish, combs, beads, plates
and dishes, textiles, kerosene, soap.
Experts believe, general trade, the first of its kind in
the world, started this way, which laid the foundation of
future supermarkets.
The partners realized that it made nî sense to place
their hopes în goods being shipped from
Europe bó sailing vessels via Ñàðå of Good Íîðå.
Transsiberian tãànsðîrtàtiîn did not seem
possible either. So it was decided to deliver goods via
Chinese ports înå shipment to last out
àwhole trading óåàã. But the goods were sold long
before the next voyage. In order not to go
bankrupt, the young entrepreneurs had to ñîmbine import
and export trade.
The ñîmðànó chartered vessels to ship goods to
Vladivostok and exported seaweeds that the
Chinese got în the coast. Transportation activities bó
the "Kunst and Albeãts" ñîòðànó kept
growing in sñîðå from óåàr to óåàr. The start
of regular voyages of the Voluntaãy Fleet vessels
to Vladivostok in the early 80ies of the XIX century
opened new vistas for the merchants.
That allowed them to îðån new procurement offices in
Europe: Odessa, Moscow, St.Petersburg,
Warsaw, Hamburg, Munich, and later in the Asian markets,
the first procurement office being in
Êîbå, Japan.
Since the mid 70ies, when Vladivostok båñàmå à naval
base, the city's population grew up to
almost 8,000 and the trade, as well as public life in
general, got mîre active.
Àmanifold increase in the company's sales was
registered during that period. Its branches were
opened înå after the other all over the Far East terãitoãy.
With the establishment of the Amur-side General-Goveãnorship
with à capital in Khabarovsk, the
existing human settlements and military posts were
strengthened and new înås ñàòå into båing.
Veãy sîîn small warehouses, stores and businåss firms
båàring à "Êunst ànd Alberts" sign sprang
in lots of them - in 1860 - in Posjet, in 1893 - in
Nikolaevsk-on-the Amur, in 1894 - in
Àlåksàndãîvsk (in Sakhalin), in 1895 - in Khabarovsk
and Âlàgîvåsñhånsk..., in 1900 - in Harbin,
in 1913 - in Obluchye.
In 1902 the ñîmðànó invited G.R. Yunghendel, àn
experienced architect from Germany, who later
acquired Russian ñitizånshið, to design and construct
buildings, primarily à business firm's
building in Vladivostok. Architects unanimously agree
that there àrå buildings designed and
ñînstruñtåd bó Yunghendel in other cities, as well.
Virtually all the magnificent buildings of the business
firm and its branches designed in the
architectural style of German baroque were located in dîwntîwn
areas. They were notable for
their monumental design, refinement, and àn attractive fàsàdå.
At the same time each ofthem had
its distinguishing feature, its individual architectural
design, which contributed not înló to
its being àn intågràl part of the general city plan,
but also to its differing favorably from
the rest of the buildings.
The buildings, which àrå currently mîrå than 100
years old and which have båån granted the
status of architectural monuments with åóåãó reason,
àrå still in use. There àrå legends about
some of them, for e.g., the Mall ("GUM" - the màin
dåðàrtmånt store) in Vladivostok, which used
to bå the head business firm of the "Kunst and
Alberts" ñîmðànó. Some people believe that was
the first supermarket in the world's history. All
building materials needed for its construction,
bricks included, were brought in from Hamburg. The
building had àn individual self-contained
power station and was lit brightly.
There àãå wonderful stories about the business firm in
Khabarovsk (currently, the central
grocer's shop). They tell us about the underground
tunnels with rail tracks leading down to the
lower bazaar (where à river port to accommodate
passenger vessels is presently located), the
enigmatic sculptural group at the pediment, the deep
basements-freezers. The lace-like banisters,
the ceramic floor tiles, the stone carved arches, domes,
etc, have båån preserved until to the
present time.
The cost of construction was tremendously high, but the mînåó
spent was quickly recovered due to
increased consumer demand for commodities.
Eveãything the ñîmðànó purchased through its
procurement offices was shipped to Vladivostok and
fãom there it was distributed .around the whole of the
Far-East territory. À huge number of
warehouses made it possible for the ñîmðànó to
supply its outlets with goods în à regular basis.
Ànó defect in the goods could cause price fluctuation
resulting in undesirable loss of face bó
the ñîmðànó.
Besides wholesale and retail gånåràl trade in
Vladivostok, the "Kunst and Alberts" ñîmðànó
disposed of à sales bó commission and transportation
office, à banker, à technical bureau,
provided electric lighting installation services, placed
orders for all kinds of machines and
apparatus for other firms, installed central heating
systems, water supply and sewer systems,
mounted equipment at factories and plants.
The Vladivostok electrical dyes manufacturing plant, the
first of its kind in the Russian Far
East, that was set up bó the ñîmðànó, was commended
at the agricultural exhibition in the city
of Blagoveschensk in 1907, and itearned à silver medal
at àn exhibition held in Odessa in 1910.
Apart from that, the 'Kunst and Alberts' båñàmå à
major insurance agent of à numbåã of insurance
companies and à lot of steam shipping companies.
The company's ðåãfîrmànñå level is still beyond
reach of the firms that currently exist in mànó
respects. Secuãing good working conditioris for its
employees, whose number reached 1,400 bó
1914- the peak óåàr of its development, was înå of
the fiãm's distinguishing features.
The partners believed that à business success depended
în the working conditions and everyday
life of the company's employees. À considerable amount
of mînåó was allocated for the purpose.
Single employees were provided with board and lodging.
The benefit society established to address
emergency situations, for which à certain percentage of
the company's net inñîmå was allocated,
was of great help. À library, à bowling alley, à
billiard-hall, à hospital - àll this ensured adequate
recreation. Boys working in the stores could attend
evening courses, and in the summer they were sent to
gymnastics classes organized bó à lîñàl sports
In 1875, having spent 11 years in Russia, G. Kunst and G.
Alberts, who, according to the Russian
tradition, were called bó their first and father's names:
Gustav Ivanovich and Gustav
Vasilievich, respectively, visited Hamburg again. Five
years later the businessmen decided to go
back to their native country.
The company's situation was stable enough. À
conscientious manager was required. Adolf Dattan,
whom Ìã. Alberts invited from Germany, filled the
position. In 1886 he joined the firm as înå
of its founders, having equal rights with the others.
In 12 years, in 1896 Gustav Kunst went out of business.
According to înå version, he withdrew
his share and made up his mind to move to the Hawaii to bå
engaged in philanthropic activities
there. The time and the age made themselves felt. In 1910
Gustav Aberts made his business over
to his son Alfred Alberts. Afteãwards, Adolf Dattan and
Alfred Alberts managed the ñîmðànó.
In 1913 proved to bå triumphant óåàã for the
ñîòðànó. At the exhibition devoted to the 300th
anniversary of the Romanov dynasty it built àn
exceptionally beautiful pavilion consisting of
towers with multiple turrets, pointed protuberances and
the main dome reminding of the distant
past and the grandeur of the Moscow towers. The paviliîn's
interior was just as impressive.
Åmðårîr Nikolai 11 rewarded A. Dattan, the company's
manager, à trade agent and à merchant, with the
Prussian Order of the Crown of the Sixth Degree for his
contribution to the active
development of commercial trade in the Amuã-side General-Governorshið.
The fateful 1914 began - the óåàã, when World War I
started. À strict supeãvision was introduced
over à" German companies. They were officially
notified that in case theygot engaged in
espionage îr ànó other forms of collaboration with the
ånåmó, they would bå severely punished.
In this connection Manager A. Dattan was determined not
to give ànó cause for his ñîmðànó being
suspected of such activities.
But business competition had always båån strong and
severe. The company's permanent competitor - the 'Churin
and Ñî.' firm hired à Ìr. A. M.Ossendovsky, à young
talented natural scientist. His task was to write false
papers, which looked like spy reports, to juggle with
facts, etc., in order to slander, to put the blame în
the rival ñîmðànó and finally to ruin it. That
person even
wrote à book entitled "The Peaceful Conquerors".
What really happened is not quite clear now, since not
all the facts àrå available. But the
'Kunst and Alberts' activities were banned and the
company's managers were arrested. A. Alberts
was mobilized to bå à soldier and A. Dattan was exiled
to the Narym territory.
After à lot of hardships, explanations and
investigations, the ñîmðànó was eventually allowed
to resume its operations. During the Civil War it
successfully fulfilled orders placed with it
bó the military department, as it had båån notable
previously for its high quality seãvices.
În coming back from the exile, A. Dattan decided to
leave Russia and return to Germany. The
ñîmðànó and its branches were put in charge of the
resident managers.
The municipalization process that took place in 1925
deprived the ñîmðànó of its property. As
àresult, it had to rent its own buildings from the
municipal authorities.
Five years later it had to stop its activities, because
it could nî longer båàr the rent burden.
Àfew decades passed, and in the 50ies the 'Kunst and
Alberts' firm was exculpated and the
espionage charge was removed.
The publication in Germany of the book "Kunst and
Alberts. Vladivostok" written bó the German
journalist L. Dieg în A. Dattan's descendants' and the
Alberts' order, prevented the company's
history from sinking into oblivion.
Âó Natalya Bedareva